Bucket development

A bucket is a portable light-weight container (based on docker) for MR image analysis pipelines. A bucket runs in the same way a program is executed. If data is available the bucket will start, perform its function and quit. This page explains the ‘buckets’ development program that is used to create, run and install buckets.

Note: The instructions to develop a bucket work on Linux, MacOS and Windows/cygwin systems only. You need to have docker or boot2docker installed.


Name your bucket using lower-case characters and numbers only. Create one by downloading the “buckets” script:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HaukeBartsch/MagickBox/master/code/bin/buckets

Make the script executable:

chmod +x buckets

And run its ‘create’ command:

./buckets create mytestbucket

This will create “mytestbucket” as an almost empty bucket with some MagickBox special sauce. The bucket contains already its own documentation and a basic configuration. Edit the setup by starting the bucket using the “open” command. It should start an editor (github.com/HaukeBartsch/editor) inside the bucket open a web-browser that points it it (http://localhost:9090):

./buckets open mytestbucket

Set the application entity title of info.json (AETitle) to be something short and unique. This string is later used to address this processing bucket. Store your changes inside the bucket using a second terminal. Remember to commit your changes after you edited any file inside the bucket.

docker ps docker commit <running image id> mytestbucket

Now it is time to install your program into the bucket. The program will receive input data in an /input directory and it can produce output data in /output. The bucket is based on ubuntu so you can install a large number of existing programs simply by calling ubuntu’s package manager apt-get.

To link up your program and the MagickBox processing entry point work.sh edit that script using the web-editor and have it execute your program given the input and output directories:

./bucket open mytestbucket

The ‘open’ command will also create a link to your local directory inside the bucket. If your program is not avialable from one of the apt repositories you can copy the files into your local directory. That directory is available inside the bucket as /local/. Only use this connection to copy data into the bucket during installation of your program. The directory will not be available if the bucket runs inside the MagickBox environment.


Test your bucket by specifying an input and output directory for the ‘run’ command (this will emulate tbe work done by MagickBox later):

./bucket run mytestbucket <input directory> <output directory>

After a successful run you should see your results appear in the directory you specified as the output folder. This is also a great way to locally run a computation on a limited number of cases.

Optionally you can include a plugin that extracts measurements from your output files. Measures exported this way will be available to MagickBox. Useful measures include demographic information or for example measures for volumes of interest. An example plugin file is included with your bucket and listed in the web editor page.


After developing a bucket and successful local testing using run it can be integrated into a MagickBox machine. If you don’t do your development inside MagickBox start by creating a tar-file that represents the content of your bucket:

docker export <id of running docker container> > mytestbucket.tar

Copy this file to your MagickBox machine and import the bucket using docker followed by “buckets install mytestbucket”:

cat mytestbucket.tar | docker import - mytestbucket
/data/code/bin/buckets install mytestbucket

The buckets-script will query your mytestbucket container and read the AETitle from the /root/storage/info.json file. The AETitle is used to create a MagickBox bucket directory in /data/streams/bucket<AETitle>. If successful the installer will also start a worker process for your processing bucket. If you now send data to the system using your AETitle to address your bucket the processing should start (see the mb tool). A log-file /data/logs/bucket<AETitle>.log will contain the output of MagickBox when it tries to call your bucket. If your bucket produces some outputs they will be displayed as the processing.log.

Advanced: Persistent memory for buckets

Buckets have a fixed environment, they receive input and output directories but otherwise the same files will be present during each run of the bucket. Files that are created inside the bucket - but not stored in /input and /output directories are deleted after the bucket stops. If your program requires space that is presistent between runs, like a database, use the /root/storage/memory directory inside the bucket. Place initial versions of your files into this directory. Once the bucket is installed and runs this directory is available inside the bucket as /memory/. Changes to files inside this directory will be available the next time the bucket is started.